Life Cycle Management

Life Cycle Management (LCM)

Life Cycle Management Invoicing
Life Cycle Management Web-Based

Comprehensive Solutions for Multi-Location Customers

Life Cycle Management (LCM) is designed for our larger, multi-location customers. It offers bill payment, general ledger coding, billing audits, and recovery of overcharges. Additionally, it identifies disconnected services still appearing on your billing. LCM includes a web-based inventory of every service from each provider. This inventory details every line, circuit, or service for both wireline and wireless services. Our 24/7 help desk supports this system. Therefore, we ensure quick responses to service issues, tracking SLAs, and managing and monitoring your services and equipment efficiently.

Detailed Auditing Process

Unlike Telecom Expense Management (TEM) platforms, which typically focus only on billing inventory for wireline services, LCM offers a robust auditing process. Our detailed inventory of all services at all locations allows for a comprehensive audit. This audit identifies incorrect charges and services that should not appear on your bill.

Service Provider Agreements Analysis

LCM also creates an inventory of your service provider agreements. It analyzes them to document your obligations at a detailed level. This understanding of your services and commitments enables competitive analysis. As a result, you can optimize services and technology options. Billing inventories alone cannot facilitate this level of optimization.

Key Differentiators: LCM vs. TEM

LCM stands out with its 24/7 help desk. It supports moves, adds, changes, and deletes (MACDs). Additionally, field service technicians implement solutions on-site. TEM platforms do not offer the same level of service optimization or project management for implementing recommendations. LCM can generate cost reductions of 20-45%. In contrast, TEM platforms primarily focus on bill consolidation and cost allocation.

Optimization and Cost Reduction

By leveraging LCM’s detailed service inventory and contract analysis, clients can achieve significant cost reductions. This level of detail and support is crucial for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your service management. Consequently, your operations run smoothly and cost-effectively.

Life Cycle Management Improves Productivity While Lowering Costs
Life Cycle Management Help Desk

Strategically Growing Your Business While Saving You Money

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